Here's a test on that new shiny comic board nonsense. Pluggin away at the comic, as usual, but here's a quick sketch of the main character lady, stuck in the middle of the desert, wanting some cheese fries. I wish I could spend all day at it, but I have to go to work shortly, which means food time needs to happen. Oh, and I just finished reading Planetary. Have I mentioned how much I love Warren Ellis? Because I do.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
doodles and nonsense.
Here's a test on that new shiny comic board nonsense. Pluggin away at the comic, as usual, but here's a quick sketch of the main character lady, stuck in the middle of the desert, wanting some cheese fries. I wish I could spend all day at it, but I have to go to work shortly, which means food time needs to happen. Oh, and I just finished reading Planetary. Have I mentioned how much I love Warren Ellis? Because I do.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Shut Up, Crime!
I am hoping this movie is good, because this genre can really go either way. It does, however, have kevin Bacon and Nathan Fillion in it, which might bode well. I like the Silly super hero genre (Mystery Men, Kickass) where the super heros don't actually have a super power other than they can hit things in creative ways. We shall see.
I know I've been pretty low key lately, promising posts with drawings and such in them and not actually delivering. Well, I'm working on a new project (jesus lord, can I be any more distracted about my damn projects?)that might actually work. As in, instead of doing what I normally do with comics, which is fly by the seat of my pants and hope that I don't get bored with it(and we've seen how well THAT works.) I'm actually planning. And by planning, I mean I'm writing a script(sort of) and doing character design BEFORE i start drawing the actual comic, and doing thumbnails and all that jazz. For realz. So we'll see how that works out.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
There's not much to say about Mister Hipp's amazing image, other than the obvious: IT'S A TRAP! and I say this with much joy and jubilation. I've been wanting to post some of his Batman images, but since Admiral Ackbar is the patron saint of my household, I had to share this with you all. Joy and Jubilation indeed.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Lady sketches
well, still no comic today. I almost quit, but the boyfriend effectively counteracted my ADD tendencies and challenged me to 100 installments of that comic. I'm incredibly stubborn and I never back down on a challenge, so I'll probably get it done. Above is a sketch of a lady, I'm trying to get up on my character design skillz. click on the image for the full layout. I have to run to work, so more on all this later.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Oh Portland...
What do you get when you add a bagpipe and a unicycle? Portland at its finest:
Sorry I haven't posted in almost a week. That experiment I've been working on in the Print studio is proving to be more difficult than I anticipated. I'm on attempt number five, though I'm getting closer each time. this time I got it to accept ink upon rolling up, but I lost most of the drawing when I went to second etch. And that time I followed the directions in the tamarind book instead of just going from memory. still, I think I know what I need to do. enough bout that, I'll get back to you all when I have photos.
As a result of my experimenting with fickle lithography projects, my comics have been pushed aside for a minute. DO NOT FEAR. I'll try to get the next installment up tomorrow or the next day.
All right, off to more printmaking!
EDIT: I did it! I made the lo-shu wash work! as far as I know, it is stable, we'll see what happens when I get around to trying to print an edition. so far so good though...
Sorry I haven't posted in almost a week. That experiment I've been working on in the Print studio is proving to be more difficult than I anticipated. I'm on attempt number five, though I'm getting closer each time. this time I got it to accept ink upon rolling up, but I lost most of the drawing when I went to second etch. And that time I followed the directions in the tamarind book instead of just going from memory. still, I think I know what I need to do. enough bout that, I'll get back to you all when I have photos.
As a result of my experimenting with fickle lithography projects, my comics have been pushed aside for a minute. DO NOT FEAR. I'll try to get the next installment up tomorrow or the next day.
All right, off to more printmaking!
EDIT: I did it! I made the lo-shu wash work! as far as I know, it is stable, we'll see what happens when I get around to trying to print an edition. so far so good though...
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
man man comics comics prints prints
And here we have the second installment of our comic. I'll try to get the next part up on friday, kinda rushed the colors, I might be experimenting with that later, but for now this will do.
Also! one of my favorite bands is coming out with a new album! WAHOO! Man Man is full of crazy and awesome, and they put on one hell of a live show. Anyways, it comes out May 10th, which is a little bit of a wait. But also not, since they haven't had anything new since 2008. Anyways, there's that.
In other news, I went on a bit of a Lithography adventure, trying to get a lo-shu wash to work. A lo-shu wash is when you suspend gum arabic into water, paint it on the stone, then wait for it to dry. Once this is done, you rub it up with greasy ink and if all goes well (and this is a BIG If) they you get this really lovely effect:
This image is a test done by one of my compadres from Tamarind. Anyways, let's just say my tests were not as successful. I had a bit of a mad scientist moment, and tried 3 times to get the damn thing to work. In all fairness, I've never actually done a lo-shu wash myself, and I was going completely from memory of a demo of it I saw maybe three years ago, so I was a little rusty on the specifics. I tried all of my sneaky printmaker tricks to get the damn thing to work, and I got pretty close a couple times, but ultimately ended in failure. Sad face. So I looked it up and realized I had made some key mistakes, and I plan on going back to the studio tonight and giving it another try. Also, I finished my drawing for the Tiniest Print Exchange. It's a fun little thing, and I'll probably proof it tonight. I still need to add two more rund to it at least, but the key is pretty nice, exactly what I had in mind. If Im feeling particularly ambitious, I might also proof the large fungus tree, which is ready to go. I will most likely need to add another run to it to make it look the way I imagine, but the hard part is done. Hopefully I'll start getting some pictures of all my printmaking adventures.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
update! update! I'm doing stuff!(sort of)
I'm working on the next installment of that comic that I have yet to name(seriously, I need to get on that) Inks are done, I'll probably trhow some colors on it and get it posted in the next day or two. Stuff in the Print studio is ready for proofing, working on my tiniest print as well as some fungus trees. I have been staring and drooling over this blog, Royal Boiler. The works and inspiration of Brandon Graham. Probably part of the reason why I'm doing some comics now because I want to be that good.
Anyways, look forward to another few panels of (insert title of comic)! There are explosions and also aliens, but I won't say anything else. I'm off to go eat some food.
Anyways, look forward to another few panels of (insert title of comic)! There are explosions and also aliens, but I won't say anything else. I'm off to go eat some food.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Jennie doesn't know it yet....
And there we have it, folks! Looks like I'll be updating regularly on Fridays. here is the first installment of my new weekly comic, which is currently unnamed. I wasn't sure how to get myself started, so I went with the "our protagonist does't know it yet, but their life is about to change..." approach. Click on the image to get the full thing, resizing it for the blog makes it looks silly and illegible. I might update the comic more than once a week if I'm feeling frisky, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.
In other news, I've been going down the rabbit hole lately, I'll be making a post about what I've found. It's partially responsible for why I'm so balls out about making comics right now. More on this later, going to go see a movie with The Boyfriend.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
weekly comic
I've decided to start doing a weekly comic. or something like that. I'm going to keep them pretty short, probably about the size of yesterday's comic, but it will be continuous. I have the pencils down for the first installment, hope to have the rest of it done in the next day or so. Expect aliens, superheros, bad tempers, dancing, polite rivalries and other delights in the installments to come. This is my way of keeping my skills sharp until I can commit to a serious project, wether it is a solo thing or a team effort. Anyways, talk is cheap, so I'll leave it at that and hopefully have some shiny bits to show off tomorrow or the day after.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
We throw people into space...
It wasn't until I saw this video that I realized just how spectacular it is that we throw people into space. I mean, seeing the pyrotechnics up close, which is the usual view for shuttle launces, is pretty special in itself, but seeing this little light being shot into the atmosphere at incredible speeds really puts it into perspective. I mean, there are people in that little light. Not only that, but they usually come back in one piece. It takes a lot to do that.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Revenge is oh so sweet....
Remember that kid you grew up with, who was a general punk ass, always messing with your stuff, who didn't give a shit and was always contrare just to get you riled? Ever wonder what happened to him?
The PiƱata will have its revenge!!!!!!
Martha's B-Day 10-09-1985 from New Picture Agencies on Vimeo.
The PiƱata will have its revenge!!!!!!
Yeah, it's kinda like that...
Elite Fleet Ep. 2 - The Broken Code from New Picture Agencies on Vimeo.
Here is small space adventure for your tuesday morning, courtesy of the the Perry Bible Fellowship. Yeah, it's kinda like that.
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