So I've ben trying to get my comic skills sharp after several years of letting it go by the wayside. This means I've started doing
void comics again, but with renewed determination and understanding. It also means I managed to make the longest comic I have ever made in my life, clocking in at 22 pages. here's
part One and
part Two. I have a lot of editing to do, since I was working on a deadline(also good practice) and missed a few things(also had to rush the last half so backgrounds suffered quite a bit. also, sad lack of tones.) Anyways, enough babbling. check it out. I'm going to give that story a break and let my brain recover for a sec.
I also went to the boyfriend's farm yesterday for the first time.

It was a really nice day, the first day where it actually felt like summer.

Here's the boyfriend, inspecting some strawberries.

And here are a few of the many awesome trucks.
Just after I left(to lock myself in my room and draw comics for 10 hours, believe me I did not want to go) they found a wild swarm of bee in one of their barns. So they found the queen, gave it a home and have a new swarm! I should add that they already keep bees, so they got an extra hive! woo hoo! I also got to ride around on the ATV(which I have to admit to failing at learning to drive...) yeah, it was loads of fun.
I also recently signed up to volunteer at the HUmane Society in town, because I don't do enough with my life. Actually, it's more that I wish I could have a dog, but don't have the time, money or real estate(or stability) to allow that, so I figure I can do some good and get to hang out with animals at the same time. You never know where that sort of thing will lead. Anyways, orientation doesn't start until the end of july, so I've got some time before that happens, but I'm still stoked!