It's Saturday night, so here's a little guide on how to slow dance.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
fungus trees
Here's the first of my fungus tree lithographs. It's a little one, two colors, 4" x 6". I'm feeling a little medium on it, it could probably use another color, but my attention is already focused elsewhere. The next print I'm working on is considerably larger. It's still in progress but photos are coming soon. I'm not sure how many colors I'm wanting it to be, or if I want it to be colorful at all. Also puttering away at batman 1943, which really starts off around 1940, but 1943 is a cooler number. I am a nerd.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
facebook in real life
I need weekly affirmations about leaving facebook. Thank you interwebz for reminding me.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
iPad Accordion
Half of me thinks this is a fantastic idea while the other half is yelling "WHY WOULD YOU DO SUCH A THING!?!" Mostly it is awesome, but of course can never come close to the real thing. except for the part where the iPad is significantly lighter. The person playing is also quite delightful. Thank you interwebz.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Rhymes with...Anti-Pope!
I'm feeling a little blasphemous. Just a little. like an antelope...or a cantalope, because there is no hope. ANTI-POPE!!! the enjoyment is Eeenstentaaanioos. Behold:
Also, Det Satan Club.
Also, Det Satan Club.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Everything in its Right Place
For anyone with a tendency to enjoy extreme organization(like myself) this blog is not fair. Not fair at all. Things Organized Neatly is just that; photos of things, mostly ordinary, organized in the most sublime of fashions. It keys into that special little OCD part of myself that demands that everything be in its place. Enjoy the neatness.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Vintage Photos from Sydney Police Archives
lordy, are you in for a treat today. The above is a small sample of the incredible photography found in the Sydney Justice & Police Museum Archives and they are indeed something to behold. You can find the rest of these photos through the french blog La boite verte as well as at Coilhouse. These are truly stunning photographs and worth a look.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Oh facebook, why have I forsaken you? oh wait, I remember now...
I hadn't realized that having a website that had "book" at the end of it belonged to Mark Zuckerberg. there have already been two websites (Placebook and Teachbook, a travel website and teacher's resource respectively) that were pressured by facebook to change their names to something not involving "book". Because there can be only one, and facebook is THE ONE. On the bright side, Lamebook is trying to get legal protection claiming first amendment rights for being a parody to avoid being pressured by facebook to change their name or else. Lamebook is holding fundraisers to fund their legal battle. Good luck, kids!
Because remeber...THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE.
Because remeber...THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Star wars by subway car
This delightful little moment was brought to you by Improv Everywhere. I was looking through the youtubes for some star wars accordion stuff, in preparation for Rebel Scum(a Star Wars Poetry/musical extravaganza that I play accordion for) this delighted me beyond all reason. and you know what else is delightful? This:
Friday, January 14, 2011
Daily Drop Cap
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Rhymes with...METAL
The internet is a strange and terrible place. but also delightful. Today's "Rhymes with" could probably be filed under silly cute animals. Or metal. I'm sorry. METAL. METAL BIRDS. GRAAAAAAR. Metal penguin is delightful, but the Death Cock is the destroyer of worlds.
This Penguin wishes it was a rooster SO HARD.
This rooster is a bad ass.
This Penguin wishes it was a rooster SO HARD.
This rooster is a bad ass.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
The Satorialist
I have a confession, though it's probably not much of a surprise to anyone. I have a secret love of fashion. Not your general runway model floofy this-would-never-be-worn-by-a-real-person-especially-if-they-weigh-more-than-ten-pounds fashion. I love the day to day, all shapes and size, this-is-what-I-happened-to-have-in-my-closet-today fashion. Well, that, and I greatly admire people who make an effort to put themselves together nicely when they go out in public. I try to do it myself, with varying degrees of success. Anyways, here is what I'm getting at. The Satorialist is a wonderful blog that captures people on the streets of new York wearing wonderfully stylish attire, from the duct-taped boots of a construction worker to the lusciously draped layering of a twenty-something woman in china town. A short documentary was recently made about the man behind the camera, and it is lovely. I enjoy watching him get a haircut.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Stalking cat
ok, so I know I've ben bad about posting, but it's not because I don't love the internet. I do love the internet, it's just that I've had work, and haven't been able to do the things I want to do. Also there hasn't been much to report. I am working on a print, and I have photos, but those are trapped on my camera until I can get the correct usb cable thingy to get said photos onto the interwebs. So in the meantime, here is Stalking cat.
Think of this video as a metaphor for things to come. little by little. inch by inch. it only appears as if I'm not moving, only because I choose to be productive when no one is looking. yeah, that's it...
Think of this video as a metaphor for things to come. little by little. inch by inch. it only appears as if I'm not moving, only because I choose to be productive when no one is looking. yeah, that's it...
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Rhymes with...Stranger than Kindness
Today has been a weird day. Got a parking ticket for being dumb(really, I have no one to blame but myself...) Woke up from a really weird dream about trains. I spent my morning reading the Avian Gospels which I finished. As ifI wasn't already in a gloomy state of mind, that book certainly pushed me over the edge. When I finally managed to drag myself out of bed, feed myself and get dressed, it was somewhere around 2:30. This is unusual for me. So I headed off to the print studio and spent several hours drawing creepy, detailed, fungus trees. I'll be sure to post photos of that particular adventure later. So here I am, killing some time before going to karaoke posting two of the creepiest music videos I could get my hands on.
First off is We Are the World with Fight Song. I found it a while ago, but it still is intriguing and I watch it several times before I have to put it away so I can get something else done.
Next up we have Fever Ray, with a cover of Nick Cave's "Stranger Than Kindess" which in itself is a bad ass cover, but then pair that with a creepy music video(because really, nothing else would do) and you have so much awesome the world might explode. No really, I about peed myself when I saw this.
First off is We Are the World with Fight Song. I found it a while ago, but it still is intriguing and I watch it several times before I have to put it away so I can get something else done.
Next up we have Fever Ray, with a cover of Nick Cave's "Stranger Than Kindess" which in itself is a bad ass cover, but then pair that with a creepy music video(because really, nothing else would do) and you have so much awesome the world might explode. No really, I about peed myself when I saw this.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Goodbye Facebook!
I have pulled the plug and left the world of facebook. in doing so, I found some old things I had forgotten about, such as this lovely bit of printmaker nerdery. It's a collection of photos of graining sinks from around the world. Wa-Hoo!!!!
Also, deleting facebook was not as easy as it should have been, and I write this so others know. the easy link only "deactivates" your facebook account, leaving all of your information, photos, etc available. When you do this, it asks you far reasons why you are deactivating your account, and everything you click pulls up reasons why you should stay. it's like trying to break up with an abusive boyfriend. It only strengthened my resolve to quite my 5 plus year relationship with the facebooks. To permanently delete your account, you have to search it out, follow the link it gives you, and then stay off facebook for 14 days. you cannot have any interaction with the website at all or your account will be re-activated. Facebook is some serious business. I was feeling a little wishy-washy about maybe rejoining in the future after I've had some space, but I was mildly creeped out and I think I'll stay away.
So Thanks, Facebook, it's been grand.
Also, deleting facebook was not as easy as it should have been, and I write this so others know. the easy link only "deactivates" your facebook account, leaving all of your information, photos, etc available. When you do this, it asks you far reasons why you are deactivating your account, and everything you click pulls up reasons why you should stay. it's like trying to break up with an abusive boyfriend. It only strengthened my resolve to quite my 5 plus year relationship with the facebooks. To permanently delete your account, you have to search it out, follow the link it gives you, and then stay off facebook for 14 days. you cannot have any interaction with the website at all or your account will be re-activated. Facebook is some serious business. I was feeling a little wishy-washy about maybe rejoining in the future after I've had some space, but I was mildly creeped out and I think I'll stay away.
So Thanks, Facebook, it's been grand.
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